MechJam III

MechJam III Stats

Entries: 104

Participants: 696

Ratings: 1333

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I also did an interview about running MechJam III, it was definitely the hardest to pull off with the massive amount of entries. You can hear it on Giant Robot FM.

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Overall, Visuals and Audio Winner: Cyber Lancer

The Cyber Lancer team: iwilliams, Modus Interactive, Warkus, Viktor Kraus and voice actor Pokop Pokopson worked together to bring a terrific realization of the Sega Saturn era games. It's easy to see why this fast and exciting game won so many categories. A full version is now in development and can be wishlisted on Steam. 

NOxNE and GeoMontauk released the super fun Plotonium Explosive Smasher DX: Machine Slayer - Oh Yes! Edition, a very enjoyable platformer. It plays as well as it looks, I would definitely reccomend it. The team have since released updates that adds even more content to the already very complete game. 

Originality Winner: Mechaccountant 

Mechaccountant is a very unique game where one second you can be signing documents and the next bee firing upon a gigantic enemy mech. 9joao6, Blatoy, Nebulis and RedMser created this amazing concept which certainly earned its originality award. A challenging game that has to be played to be fully understood.