MechJam (First MechJam)

MechJam Stats

Entries: 38

Participants: 132

Ratings: 346

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Overall Winner: Trandum

AdrianCR's Trandum was an impressive feat for the 2-week game jam. A fully-fledged 3D platformer that featured some incredible models, cinematics and gameplay. It's no surprise that it won the Overall category. It was followed up by the more experimental Trandum: Awakening in MechJam II. 

Fun Factor Winner: Mice and Mechs

Luke Mayo's Mice and Mechs saw you scale a large mech whilst dodging various hazards. An incredibly fun game with some excellent art assets to boot too. 

Audio & Visuals Winner: Wave_Machine

C.Bedford and Tom's collaborative effort earned them two category awards in the first MechJam game jam. Looking at the screenshots it's easy to see why they were so successful. A very feature-complete experience. 

Originality Winner: Detective S. Harkins answers the question: 'What if there was a game where you played a jet pack-powered mechanized shark detective in a noirish setting?" A game that certainly deserved the very first originality award.