MechJam II

MechJam II Stats

Entries: 74

Participants: 441

Ratings: 904

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Overall Winner: Valkyrie Command

Playimu and Marrow produced the stunning Valkyrie Command. A fast-paced side scrolling shooter which sees you take on a variety of different mechs all whilst Marrow's fantastic music plays in the background. 

Fun Factor Winner: Iron Drought

Iron Drought's team produced this fantastic fully customizable video game. You must design the ultimate mech to take down the GK-191 (the Godkiller). This game offers a lot of replay value so it's no surprise it won the Fun Factor award.

Audio Winner: Love & Fighting

C.Bedford and Tom were back with another winner, now joined by Rneuma and Aruudlay. The game blended taxis with mechs, presenting an exciting game with a funky and memorable soundtrack.  

Visuals Winner: BOOMECH DEMO

Developer HOTTEST MAN EVER created the highly cinematic BOOMECH DEMO. The game placed you in control of a beefy powerful mech in a stunningly realised gloomy future. The game uses Unreal Engine 4's technology to its advantage, to create memorable imagery that won't leave your mind anytime soon. 

Originality Winner: Mecha-Maid

If there were ever a game that deserved a prize for most original thumbnail, it would definitely go to Alistair Pearlman, Gregory Jackson and Daniel Aminoff's Mecha-Maid. Featuring a ghostly George Harrison, a green-furred corgi and a very large wrench. The game saw you control a very British mech around London in aid of the Queen.